Monday, December 31, 2012
The scientific name for Elk is Cervus elaphus. Male Elk have antlers. Elk are light brown to tan. Elk live to be about 20 years old.They eat grass and leaves and other green plants.They live in farm lands and forests.Elk can weigh to be about 1,000 lb. Elk are nocturnal but they do get up during the day. There are many different types of Elk but only one in North America. They can sometimes reach the speed of 30 mph. Here is another website that will tell you more about Elk.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Four toed Salamander
Hemidactylium scutatum or Four toed Salamanders live to be about 10 years old.They are a reddish brown color and have 4 toes on each foot. They live in bogs and springs. These little creatures lay over 20 eggs a year! In winter they live under rocks and logs.They eat insects. If something grabs it's tail, it will break of, then later on the tail grows back. Here is a website that will tell you more about them. It has pictures to.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Tiger Shark
I think Sharks are amazing. One shark I really like is the Tiger Shark. Tiger Sharks are a gray color. They will eat anything but they usually eat fish,mollusks,jelly fish,sea birds,sea turtles,e.t.c. The scientific name is Galeocerdo cuvier. They are one of the largest sharks. Here is a website that will tell you more about Tiger Sharks.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Here is a picture of some White-Tailed Deer.
Here is a picture of a male Mallard duck in my swamp.
Here is a picture of a Cotton tail rabbit.
Here is a Wild turkey.
Here is a picture of a male Mallard duck in my swamp.
Here is a picture of a Cotton tail rabbit.
Here is a Wild turkey.
Photos with a story
I have Buckeye Chickens. I started out with 25. One died from my dog. One died from a Hawk and one just died somehow. The roosters were really mean(We had way to many roosters. They were all trying to be the alpha.) I called one The Evil Outsider, it was the one that was outside of the fence the most. One was The Evil Insider, it was in the fence the most. And one was called The Evil Coopsider, it was in the coop the most. They were all the most rudest ones. The rest were like there sidekicks. Now we only have 2 roosters left.(We ate the others.) The hens lay eggs. And we only get 2 a day. Most of the hens are in my driveway,yard,and swamp. They probably have eggs under tree roots and other things. Sometimes the hens are freaky. They follow me all the time. That makes the 2 roosters come. Then the roosters sneak up behind me and jump on me,they peck me and claw me. They have been better because only 2 roosters still exist in my yard. But I still don't like them. Here is a website that will tell you things about them. I also have some pictures of Buckeye Chickens. I could only find pictures of them as chicks. Sorry!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
White-Tailed Deer
Odocoileus virginianus also known as a White-tailed Deer. They are wonderful creatures! They are brown and have large ears, the males have antlers. Male and female have white on the under side of there tails. They live to be about 5 to 10 years. They live in all kinds of places, but like forests best.They eat leaves,grass,and other plants, ,nuts,twigs. They have 1-2 fawns usually. Here is a website that will tell you more about the White-tailed Deer.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Wild Turkeys on Thanksgiving
Don't you love seeing a Meleagris gallopavo run by in the morning? Also known as a Wild Turkey.Wild Turkeys eat insects,seeds,and fruit. Males are brown to black and have a red and blue head. Females are thinner. The eggs are white with brown markings. Wild Turkeys do not migrate. Here is a website to tell you more about them.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Paper Birch
I love the Betula papyrifera. That's the scientific name for the Paper Birch tree. Paper Birch trees have white smooth paper like bark with black horizontal lines. Native Americans used this paper like bark to write on. Paper Birch trees have a flower called a Catkin. The leaves turn yellow in Autumn.Native Americans also made canoes and baskets out of the white bark. Here is a link that will tell you more about Paper Birch trees.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Did you know that Zebras are camouflage? It's because they all look the same and live in big groups. When another animal tries to attack it waits for a zebra to leave the group. But a Zebras kick is very strong. I don't know a lot about Zebras so here is a website that will tell you more.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Little Brown Bat
I like bats a lot.I think they are interesting and magnificent. My favorite is the Little Brown Bat. They eat insects. A Little Brown Bat is brown and small. They live in forest's,urban and suburban areas,and farmlands. They come out at dusk and look like birds but they do not glide in the air like they only flap. When you see them you can usually tell they are bats. Here is a website about Little Brown Bats. Little brown bats sound like birds chirping.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Sandhill Crane
Have you ever seen a sand hill crane? I see them alot! Sand hill cranes Can be white or light brown. Both male and female look the same. There scientific name is Grus canadensis. They eat plants and insects,nuts,fruit,and small animals. They have a red forehead and are tall birds. For more information go to Here are some pictures I took today.I also took a video. Sorry it's not the best!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Have you heard of a Massasauga? It's a type of snake. They are grey with black spots. They eat small mammals, birds, amphibians, and other snakes. They live in prairie wetlands,swamps,river valleys, and woodlands. They can live up to about 25 years.They are also venomous.
Here is a website that will tell you more information.
Here is a website that will tell you more information.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
Here are some more pictures My family or I have taken. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!
The frogs are Green Frogs. The water fall is Multnomah Falls. I hope you enjoyed my pictures!!
The frogs are Green Frogs. The water fall is Multnomah Falls. I hope you enjoyed my pictures!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
I am very sorry if my blog does not show my comments! Even though I write comments my blog it doesn't always show the comments.
Monday, September 10, 2012
I have Buckeye Chickens and yesterday, September 9th 2012 a Red Tailed Hawk went right above my head! Then I went over to the Chicken area and up in a tree next to the fence was a Red Tailed Hawk! I was about to go in with the Chickens but all of a sudden Chickens were screaming and running into the coop! Then I looked at the tree and a Red Tailed Hawk swooped out of the tree and almost grabbed one of my Chickens but the Hawk was to late! So I decided to stay in the Chicken area. I didn't leave the area until about three hours had passed. And I only left because it was getting really hot outside and I had a sweater on. But luckily all the Chickens were safe! Sorry that I don't have pictures! I thought I did but I guess not!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Here are some pictures me or my family have taken. I'm sure you will love them!!! Oh just so you know the gray frog is a Male Gray Treefrog . The green one is a Female Gray Treefrog. And the brown one is a Female American toad.
Do you like beavers? Well I sure do! I have a swamp and once I went down to it and guess what I saw! Right there was a beaver! It darted into the water and swam over to land. So I followed it. When I found it again It had climbed a tree! And I noticed it was a juvenile! And I was not sure whether it was a Beaver or a Muskrat! But as I saw it more I thought that it had to be a Beaver! But when my dad saw it he thought it was a Muskrat. But I still think it was a Beaver! Beavers have the tails that are flat. Muskrats have the tails that are long and skinny. Here is a website about Muskrats.
Here is a website about beavers
And these are pictures that I took of the Beaver or Muskrat.
I never knew Beavers could climb trees!? Sorry that the tail is hidden!!!
Here is a website about beavers
And these are pictures that I took of the Beaver or Muskrat.
I never knew Beavers could climb trees!? Sorry that the tail is hidden!!!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Hi! Have you ever seen a caterpillar about the length of a cell phone? My Grandma has! This is a picture she took of it.

It was the caterpillar of a Cecropia Moth! They are really big! I don't really know much about them! But I do know they turn into Moths! Well here is a website that you can use to learn more about them! It has pictures and information!

It was the caterpillar of a Cecropia Moth! They are really big! I don't really know much about them! But I do know they turn into Moths! Well here is a website that you can use to learn more about them! It has pictures and information!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Have you ever heard of a Mocking Bird? I have. And no they do not mock people! But the calls from a Mocking Bird sound like the calls from other birds! Mocking Birds are a light grayish with a white chest. They have a white stripe on each wing. The females look the same as males. The males display their wings to females. These birds are amazing to listen to!!!!! Sometimes they may fool you by their sound!!
Here is a website that has the songs of a Mocking Bird.
Here is a website that has the songs of a Mocking Bird.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Red Tailed Hawk
Do you like hawks? I do! ( I love every animal!) My favorite type of hawk is a Red Tailed Hawk with their orange tail and strong look! Did you know the females are slightly larger then the males!? They eat mice,birds,small animals, and small reptiles like snakes. They look amazing in flight! They can be brown to white! But in my opinion they are always beautiful!! Some times they fly around my chicken coop. One of my chickens was found in a corner almost completely eaten! ( Except for the bones and feathers of course!) I think it was a Red Tailed Hawk I saw earlier in the day circling the coop! But to find out my dad put the deer cam in that corner. But he has not checked it yet. ( It happened 2 days ago!) But he said we will look at the pictures tomorrow!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Have you ever seen a raccoon eating cat food? I have! My family found out that a raccoon had been visiting our barn to eat cat food every morning at 2:00. I have pictures from a deer cam! My dad went in the barn one night and there staring at him was a raccoon! But my dad somehow scared it away up to the loft just by standing there! What a shy raccoon!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it never came back! But it had been visiting for weeks before getting scared away! These are two pictures from the deer cam!:) In the first picture the raccoon is standing up. In the second picture the raccoon is in a little tub of water for sheep.
Raccoons usually eat fruit, small animals, small fish, nuts,seeds,insects, baby birds,and bird eggs.
Raccoons usually eat fruit, small animals, small fish, nuts,seeds,insects, baby birds,and bird eggs.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Cedar Waxwing
Don't you just love the songs of birds in the morning and evening?! Have you ever seen or heard a Cedar Waxwing? Cedar Waxwings are small birds. They are gray to brown with pointed crest, light yellow belly and bandit like black mask. Tip of tail is bright yellow. The tip of its wings look like they have been dipped in red wax. Females are same as male. Juveniles are grayish with a heavily streaked chest, lacks red wing tips, black mask and sleek look. Food; cedar cones, fruit,insects. Scientific name is Bombycilla cedrorum.
Here is a website that you can listen to I got this information from Birds of Michigan field guide by Stan Tekiela

Here is a website that you can listen to I got this information from Birds of Michigan field guide by Stan Tekiela
Gray Tree Frogs
Have you ever wanted to know the difference between a Gray Tree frog and a Copes Gray Tree frog? I have answers here! Copes Gray Tree frogs are in the Tree frog (Hylidae) family. They are green with a white belly. But they change color to gray with large dark spots. Some have a small white patch just below the eyes. Inside thighs of behind hind legs are yellow. Males have a gray throat (vocal) sac. They live up to 5-7 years. Habitats, moist forests, woodland edges, ponds,and wet meadows. Over winter; under leaf litter, logs and rocks; Partially freezes. Food, Beetles and other insects, caterpillars. Compare, The Gray Tree frog is nearly identical. The best way to tell the difference is by their calls. Here is a website that you listen to their sounds on. / I got this information from a field guide called Reptiles and Amphibians of Michigan Field Guide.
Hi! I am Cornelia! I love Nature and I love to share the wonders about it to others! Here you can learn about lots of animals and plants! Some animals are big others are small. Some plants are soft others are hard. Have fun reading about the wonders of nature!
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