Sunday, June 9, 2013

Duck and deer

Yesterday I was watching a female Mallard duck that flew into my field I took some photos and a 2 videos of it. Then when it flew of  I saw a deer out oft he corner of my eye. I used my camera to get a close up look of it and it was a young Buck! (Another name for a male deer is Buck.) I took a photo then started a video. then it started running away from a doe!(A female deer is called a doe.) It was and amazing and beautiful sight to see as the sun was getting lower in the sky. Also today I took some good pictures of a Blue Jay and lots of Purple Finches. I also recorded a video of a Common Grackle.  Here are just some random photos I took. Some of them I took while sitting on a moving tractor. The first try was hard but after that I was pretty good at it. I room for all of them so I will just make another post with the rest!


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