Sunday, September 29, 2013

Project Feeder watch!

It's that time of year when birds need extra help finding food. Project Feeder Watch is starting soon and it's time to sign up! If you'd like to see what Project Feeder Watch is, click the link below,

If you do sign up,make sure you know what Project Feeder Watch is and what to do, (Link Above!) Project Feeder Watch helps Ornithologists learn about birds and how they live. Winter is the perfect time for it. Some birds stay, some migrate, and so this Project Feeder Watch tells them how many are found in one place,how far north or south do the birds go? So please sign up. If you don't that is alright too,but please at least click the link above and get some knowledge about it before deciding  yes or no. 

Thank you! Have a wonderful week! -Cornelia 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Autumn is here!

Autumn is finally here! I went on a nature walk/scavenger hunt today and found mushroom's, a frog, flowers,trees, Coyote den, and many other things! I had a lot of fun. I could see fall all around me, and it smelled like fall too. The leaves are turning orange,red, and yellow,squirrels run across the road with acorns in their mouth,deer in fields,geese flying south, and much more. My favorite season is Summer, but Autumn is good too. I heard coyotes last night while finishing a good book. I love to read lots of books. I have read all my field guides from cover to cover! I don't know what I'd do if  books were never made!

Here are some photo's I took. Top is a seagull,bottom 2 are of a Cooper's Hawk.

This is an Apple Pie I made on Monday. Yum,did it taste good!!!! :-) Have a Nice Day! Go out And Play!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Almost Fall!

Brrrrr! It's getting chilly out! Autumn is almost here and that brings along Halloween and Thanksgiving! At 7:30 AM it seems like nothing can gt colder even though I know that Winter will be so cold it brings snow! As the seasons change, animals do different things. In Fall some birds migrate to  go to warmer places. Some animals such as bear hibernate. Hibernate means that they sleep all through winter after eating lots of food so they don't starve. Some animals don't migrate or hibernate! They stay awake and in the same place and eat the little bit of food they can find. You might happen to see a few deer here and there and maybe a rabbit rush across the road, but mostly everything is calm and silent, except the snow! I love snow but also hate it. Snow is soooo cold and I don't even like hot chocolate! It makes me soaked and turns my face red and hands numb! But I do like that I can go sledding, and make snow forts,build snowmen, and run across ice hoping not to fall! Speaking of Fall, it's coming up soon. Just next  week, September 22nd 2013. Wow! I can't believe how fast this year has gone by! It seemed like July was the longest!  It seems like just last month it was New Years, but now it is already September! School has started again, Summer break is over, Holidays are coming, even my Birthday is near! Hope you all had a good year and that it keeps getting better and better and better! :) Happy Autumn!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

More Photos again!

Here are some photos I took! Hope you like them!

This is my happy,adventurous, German Shepard/ Husky dog named George. He is about 6 years old. (Human Years!)    


This is the egg to some kind of duck or goose I suppose. I found it at a playground under some steps. Ducks and geese were near by in a pond.   


The moth was ginormous! I'm not exactly sure what kind it is. It is really cool though!  

A Sunflower and a Sunset. What a nice,beautiful Evening! :)