Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Autumn is here!

Autumn is finally here! I went on a nature walk/scavenger hunt today and found mushroom's, a frog, flowers,trees, Coyote den, and many other things! I had a lot of fun. I could see fall all around me, and it smelled like fall too. The leaves are turning orange,red, and yellow,squirrels run across the road with acorns in their mouth,deer in fields,geese flying south, and much more. My favorite season is Summer, but Autumn is good too. I heard coyotes last night while finishing a good book. I love to read lots of books. I have read all my field guides from cover to cover! I don't know what I'd do if  books were never made!

Here are some photo's I took. Top is a seagull,bottom 2 are of a Cooper's Hawk.

This is an Apple Pie I made on Monday. Yum,did it taste good!!!! :-) Have a Nice Day! Go out And Play!


  1. I love autumn!! When the weather cools down a bit, the leaves on the ground smell so nice. Perfect weather to sit on the porch and read your books outside.
    Your apple pie looks delicious. Maybe the next time I visit you we can make one together.

  2. It would be fun to make apple pie with you sometime! Lots of trees in my yard are turning red and orange already!
