Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fishers don't fish!

Have you ever heard of a Fisher? The animal kind! They are in the Mustelidae family. Fishers are 4-18 pounds and 20-24 inches. They live 5-15 years. Fishers have long,soft fur that is dark brown.they have large feet and round short ears and a long busy tail darker then body. They live in wetlands and mixed forests. Fishers are carnivores,eating small mammals including porcupines and hares,it will eat eggs,berries,plants and nuts. They have 1-6 young once a year born with fine hair.Young  open eyes at about 7 weeks of age. Fishers are active night and day usually hunting 6 hours and sleeping the rest.Fishers are unique to North America.They were once called a American Sable due to long fur.They are one of few animals to hunt Porcupines and rarely get injured. I have never personally seen a Fisher but they do interest me. To see photos and know more information about Fishers,please visit this link bellow.


  1. We have a lot of fishers around here, they're not very nice animals at all. They'll kill just about any small animal they can find. Many people complain about the fishers killing their cats and small dogs. They also kill chickens.

    1. I never knew Fishers were so good at hunting things! I know that they love eating things in barns and sheds.
