Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Yesterday I got my prize from the Funky Nests in Funky Places challenge! I love it very much! It is a guide called, "Waterbirds of the Great Lakes Region." It lists many different types of birds. One of my favorites is the American Woodcock. My guide describes it as "Plump,with long Bill,large head,short legs,and broad,rounded wings.Solitary and secretive,it walks slowly,with constant rocking and bobbing motion of body."  "Waterbirds of the Great Lakes Region," is also waterproof! Which means I can take it to the beach, rivers,ponds,lakes,and other wetlands. The Author and Illustrator is David Allen Sibley.  I am very happy with the prize I got and think it's wonderful. Please have a good day!



  1. Congratulations on winning a prize in the contest. Everyone I know loved your drawing and voted for it.
    I hope you enjoy your bird guide. Bring it with you when you go camping or to a lake, maybe you'll find some interesting new birds. Always bring a camera with you too so you can get a photo of whatever you find. So many wonderful birds out there to discover.

  2. Thank you! I will make sure to bring the guide and a camera!
