Monday, April 29, 2013

Funky Nests in Funky Places!

I am going to look around closely at every tree,mail box,bush,rock,e.t.c. The reason why is because the Cornell Lab of Ornithology is have a contest called Funky Nests in Funky Places. What you do is find a funky,cute,inconvenient, or funny nest and take a photo of it it. You can also make art,a poem,video,or story and then you turn in your art,photo,poem,video,or story and you can win big or small prizes. This starts May 1st 2013 and ends June 15th 2013.  Prizes include a camera,binoculars,bird guides,bird feeders,bird aps,posters,books,bird sound CDs and even an iPad! HERE! is a link to the website if your interested. It is really easy and fun even if you don't win. It tells you tips and information about nests and how to find them too.    :) :) :) Have fun!

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Today I saw some Killdeer! I have never seen a Killdeer before,only heard them. They are alot smaller then I thought!I also saw 2 Eastern Meadowlarks! I have never seen or heard them before!I have been seeing a lot of new birds lately! I filled my bird feeders 4 days ago and all 4 of them are already almost empty! I saw a Sandhill Crane fly by. Then it flew by again,and I'm not sure it's a Sandhill Crane. It might actually be some kind of Cormorant! Wow! What some sights to see in 1 hour! HERE is a link about Eastern Meadowlarks. HERE is a link about Killdeer. And last but not least is a link about Cormorants. Click HERE!  :)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Birds at my feeders

These are some pictures I took this morning. Try and guess which bird is which. The names are  Mourning Dove,Red-winged Blackbird,Purple Finch,and a Dark-eyed junco. Have fun!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Bird watching day!

Today is bird watching day. Every Monday and Tuesday my dad and I watch our 4 bird feeders and mark down the birds we have seen.  It is really fun! Today we have seen 2 Downy Woodpeckers,2 Mourning Doves,2 Northern Cardinals,1 Gold Finch,3 American Tree Sparrows, 4 Dark-eyed Juncos,and 2 Red Winged Blackbirds! A lot of birds!And it's only 10:30 AM! WOW! I am sure I'll see even more later. There is a Dark-eyed Junco at a bird feeder right now! Bye!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Animal Planet

I like to watch shows on animal planet. Animal planet has a website that has games,shows, e.t.c. My favorite thing to do is watch the live cams. They show kittens,puppies,calves,penguins,birds,e.t.c. Yesterday I was watching the bird cam and a Northern Cardinal came up and ate bird seed just fine,but it was injured.It was missing it's head feathers and had a cracked beak. It was very sad and I wish someone could do something for birds like that. The Toledo Zoo has a rescue roost and they help injured birds regain their help. :) Here is a link to Animal Planet. And here is a link to the live cams. :) Have fun! ;)