Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Spring means birds migrating North!

Spring is coming,the snow is melting,so many birds all over! What could these beautiful birds be!? I saw two Bufflehead ducks just yesterday in a river, I also saw Canada Geese next to the river and flying every hour overhead! I've been hearing many Red-winged blackbirds and Robins,Chickadees and Blue Jays. There is one bird I call the Mystery Bird. That's because I can't figure out what it is! It's about sparrow size,has a completely white underside,brown head,back,and tail,and has a white ring around its eye. IF ANYONE RECOGNIZES THIS BIRD PLEASE TELL ME! Spring is a chance to learn more about birds, plant big native gardens, put up bird baths,and keep filling up bird feeders. If you have or want Hummingbird feeders, DON'T buy sugar water. Make it instead,it's quite easy really. The red stuff in stores may be giving Hummingbirds food, but it's also killing them by the minute. To make sugar water, use 4 parts water,1 part sugar and mix it up real well. DON'T use honey,honey can create bacteria and make the Hummingbirds sick,DON'T use dyes! Dyes are what is killing these beautiful tiny Hummingbirds. The red dye is to attract the hummingbirds. Instead of dyes, get a red feeder,or one painted like flowers. Hummingbirds usually show up at any Hummingbird feeder but are especially attracted to red. When buying suet for other birds, be careful and look at what you are about to buy. Some suet isn't that healthy for birds and includes unneeded ingredients.CLICK HERE to learn more about feeding birds CLICK HERe to learn more about feeding Hummers   Have a great day everyone! :-)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ash Wednesday

Happy Ash Wednesday! Today is the beginning of Lent. I've given up sugar and television. I can spend time that I would usually watch TV to do something more important. Sugar I gave up because I eat to many sugary thing and not enough veggies. Sweet Peas and carrots taste good. :-) Have a wonderful Lent!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy Fat Tuesday!!

Happy Fat Tuesday everyone! Ah, its that time of year to stuff your self full of delicious Polish Paczki's! People used to stuff them selves with food then fast for 40 days. Some people still do. Ash Wednesday (tomorrow) is when Lent begins. I don't know quite yet what I want to give up but I better think fast!! :-) Have a great 41 days everyone!!