Monday, December 31, 2012


The scientific name for Elk is Cervus elaphus. Male Elk have antlers. Elk are light brown to tan. Elk live to be about 20 years old.They eat grass and leaves and other green plants.They live in farm lands and forests.Elk can weigh to be about 1,000 lb. Elk are nocturnal but they do get up during the day. There are many different types of Elk but only one in North America.  They can sometimes reach the speed of 30 mph. Here is another website that will tell you more about Elk.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Four toed Salamander

Hemidactylium scutatum or Four toed Salamanders live to be about 10 years old.They are a reddish brown color and have 4 toes on each foot. They live in bogs and springs. These little creatures lay over 20 eggs a year! In winter they live under rocks and logs.They eat insects. If something grabs it's tail, it will break of, then later on the tail grows back. Here is a website that will tell you more about them. It has pictures to.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tiger Shark

I think Sharks are amazing. One shark I really like is the Tiger Shark. Tiger Sharks are a gray color. They will eat anything but they usually eat fish,mollusks,jelly fish,sea birds,sea turtles,e.t.c. The scientific name is Galeocerdo cuvier. They are one of the largest sharks. Here is a website that will tell you more about Tiger Sharks.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Here is a  picture of some White-Tailed Deer.   
 Here is a picture of a male Mallard duck in my swamp.  
Here is a picture of a Cotton tail rabbit.  
Here is a Wild turkey.

Photos with a story

I have Buckeye Chickens. I started out with 25. One died from my dog. One died from a Hawk and one just died somehow. The roosters were really mean(We had way to many roosters. They were all trying to be the alpha.) I called one The Evil Outsider, it was the one that was outside of the fence the most. One was The Evil Insider, it was in the fence the most. And one was called The Evil Coopsider, it was in the coop the most. They were all the most rudest ones. The rest were like there sidekicks. Now we only have 2 roosters left.(We ate the others.) The hens lay eggs. And we only get 2 a day. Most of the hens are in my driveway,yard,and swamp. They probably have eggs under tree roots and other things.  Sometimes the hens are freaky. They follow me all the time. That makes the 2 roosters come. Then the roosters sneak up behind me and jump on me,they peck me and claw me. They have been better because only 2 roosters still exist in my yard. But I still don't like them. Here is a website that will tell you things about them.  I also have some pictures of Buckeye Chickens. I could only find pictures of them as chicks. Sorry!  

Thursday, December 6, 2012

White-Tailed Deer

Odocoileus virginianus also known as a White-tailed Deer. They are wonderful creatures! They are brown and have large ears, the males have antlers. Male and female have white on the under side of there tails. They live to be about 5 to 10 years. They live in all kinds of places, but like forests best.They eat leaves,grass,and other plants, ,nuts,twigs. They have 1-2 fawns usually.  Here is a website that will tell you more about the White-tailed Deer.