Saturday, May 18, 2013


One of my ewes had a lamb earlier today! I think it's a male but I'm not sure. Also my Dad found a rock that is like glass! It is not Salt Rock because it did not turn into salt when under water. It could be Quartz Crystal though.It is very cool and small but unlike any rock my Dad or I have ever found.The Barn Swallows in my barn started bringing food in but still no chicks. :(  Also I have seen lots of birds including Green Herons, Great Blue Herons, Mallard Ducks, Tundra Swans,Sandhill Cranes, e.t.c. I love the sunshine and warmth but not all the flies and Mosquitoes. Well I'm going out side now so I will blog later. Bye!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Barn Swallow photos

Here are some pictures of a Barn Swallow,Sheep,and turkeys.

Number 1!

I am now number one in the top ten for the Funky Nests in Funky Places contest thanks to Karen Purcell!When family members and friends voted for me the votes didn't show. I sent a e-mail to Karen and she had the problem fixed and so now I have 17 votes. I thank any of you who voted for me and I thank Karen and the IT team for fixing my problem! If you have not seen my submissions and would like to, I have posted them in the post before this one. THANKYOU!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Links to my pictures

I have entered a few things to the Funky Nests In Funky Places contest. If you would like to take a look, I have some links to them. If you like them you can vote for them,just click the button that says LIKE with the heart. HERE! is a link to a drawing. HERE! is a drawing. HERE! is a picture and a poem. HERE! is another picture. HERE! is 2 pictures of a nest and a Barn Swallow. Thank you and ENJOY!