Monday, October 28, 2013

Buck with one antler

My sister comes into the house saying, "Look! There's a buck and doe out side in the field!" I went out there with my camera and saw them. It wasn't until they walked around that I noticed the buck only had one antler! My sister named him Unicorn, because it looked like he had one antler in the middle of his head. Oct-Nov is when White-Tailed deer mate. Fawns are born the next year in spring.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Weeping Willow

As the sun is going down, a Weeping Willow holding a tree house is amazing. Salix babylonica, or Weeping Willow, is my favorite type of tree. It used to be a Birch that was my favorite but not any more. Weeping Willow trees can grow about 40-80 feet high! The leaf is long,green on top, white on bottom,simple,narrow lance-shaped. They are about 4 inches. Bark is light brown,with lots of medium furrows. The flower is called a catkin. They are long on a short leafy shoot. The fall color of the tree is yellow. They live 75-100 years. The habitat for a Weeping Willow is around ponds, waterways, water pipes, and moist soil. Weeping Willows are also known as Golden Willows because of their yellow fall color. Weeping Willows are a nice tree but not good around a house. Weeping Willows dig their roots deep in the ground to find water and they will sometimes break water pipes to get water. Other wise, Salix babylonica, is a great tree!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Rain,Rain go away...

It's now October, such a wonderful month! It hasn't been dry here in Michigan though. It's been raining a lot! It rained this morning and the skies  are still gray, as the ground is holding puddles here and there.The wind is blowing and the temperature is dropping. Right now the temperature is not to hot and not to cold. It's just right. The tree's are all turning bright red,yellow, and orange. For some reason my Pine trees are turning yellow and dropping their needles.I don't know why though. This is a short post but I hope you like it! Go outside and make a leaf pile, find acorns,watch geese and Sandhill Cranes migrate, whatever you do Have Fun!