Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cedar Waxwing

Don't you  just love the songs of birds in the morning and evening?! Have you ever seen or heard a Cedar Waxwing? Cedar Waxwings are small birds. They  are gray to brown with pointed crest, light yellow belly  and bandit like black mask. Tip of tail is bright yellow. The tip of its wings look like they have been dipped in red wax. Females are same as male. Juveniles are grayish with a heavily streaked chest, lacks red wing tips, black mask and sleek look. Food; cedar cones, fruit,insects. Scientific name is Bombycilla cedrorum.
Here is a website that you can listen to      I got this information from Birds of Michigan field guide by Stan Tekiela 


  1. What wonderful information on Cedar Waxwings. I will certainly be listening and looking for them in my backyard.
    My favorites are the beautiful Cardinals that live near me. Have you heard the Cardnials near you? I can always tell when autumn is almost here, because the Cardinals song is different. In the spring they sing often and their song is very happy and lively. They sing less in the autumn and the song is short, just enough to let the other birds know they have chosen their winter home.
    I am glad they choose to say around for the winter, their bright red feathers are so beautiful in the snow.
    I am looking forward to reading more of your observations of nature.

  2. I love Cardinals too! And their bright red feathers are beautiful! I think their songs are beautiful to listen to! :)
