Monday, March 18, 2013

Stripes and Whiskers

Today I got two new fish to help clean my tank. They are Cory cats. One is named Stripes and the other is named Whiskers. When I was on my way home, Stripes poked a little hole in the bag. Water started dripping on me and the bag started getting smaller and smaller. I noticed that the bag was starting to lose air. Finally I got home and my so I put the fish bag in the fish tank so they could get used to the water temperature. A hour later I let them out of the bag. They seem to be fine and are checking out their new home. They don't get very big so if you want a small fish to keep your tank clean, Cory fish are a good choice. Mine only get up to 2 in a half inches long. Here is a website about Cory fish. w

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