Sunday, September 29, 2013

Project Feeder watch!

It's that time of year when birds need extra help finding food. Project Feeder Watch is starting soon and it's time to sign up! If you'd like to see what Project Feeder Watch is, click the link below,

If you do sign up,make sure you know what Project Feeder Watch is and what to do, (Link Above!) Project Feeder Watch helps Ornithologists learn about birds and how they live. Winter is the perfect time for it. Some birds stay, some migrate, and so this Project Feeder Watch tells them how many are found in one place,how far north or south do the birds go? So please sign up. If you don't that is alright too,but please at least click the link above and get some knowledge about it before deciding  yes or no. 

Thank you! Have a wonderful week! -Cornelia 


  1. I'm glad you like Project Feeder Watch. There are so many great birds to see, I hope you've been able to find some unusual birds near your home.
    Have you put up more bird feeders to attract them all spring and summer? Some will fly off to warmer areas, but there will be a lot of birds that stick around.
    You should start making some suet balls with seeds to hang outside to feed the birds in the winter. I usually stock up on suet this time of the year so I have it all winter. We have three different types of woodpeckers that go to my bird feeders and eat the suet.
    Try to take photos of all the birds you see all winter and see how many actually stay around your house in the cold weather.

  2. I still currently have 5 feeders,one of them is for Humming birds. My dad said he is going to get more bird seed soon.I would like to try suet balls some time. I heard woodpeckers love suet! Sometimes I get a few hairy and downy woodpeckers at my feeder with suet. I will try to take as many pictures as possible. I want a camera for my birthday this year. When I get older I want to go to college for photography and ornithology. I am also going to try and post at least once a week to keep you updated on what's going on here! :)

  3. I wanted to go to college for photography too but got talked out of it. :( I wish I would have.

  4. To bad, are you good at taking pictures?
